One year ago today (or yesterday, depending on which side of the International Date Line you happen to be on ;p) I made my first blog post with Dandilyon Fluff.
So much has gone by since that quick post about selling my motorcycle… here’s just a few of the highlights from the last year:
- Moved to Australia
- Got Married
- Published my first book
- Got House of SilverJinx up and actually paying some bills
- Possibly broke the world record for longest mother daughter Skype chat ;p
- Experienced the Immigration Adventure
- Learned to be environmentally friendly by default
- Learned to count change in two currencies
- Experienced a summer Christmas
- Looked up at the night sky and saw different stars
- Met a kangaroo!
It’s hard to sum up the last amazing year in one little post. I have had some crazy wonderful experiences. I’ve met the most wonderful people. Thanks to the internet I am able to keep in touch with people I love all over the world. One thing I haven’t done is replaced the motorcycle that was my first post. Maybe this year. 😀
Thank you to everyone who has joined me on this ride, I can only imagine what the next year will bring… to summarize, all I can really say is “Bring it! I’m ready (I think)!”
I wish all the great things happen n new unexplored horizons open up for you 🙂
Thank you Deeps <3 I always love a journey...
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