NaNo Day #2: Meet Joon

Struggling thru day two I ended up at 3,412 words.  This puts me just slightly ahead of schedule but I remember from last year how easy it is to get behind.  No resting for me.  Tomorrow will be another push to complete nearly 2,000 more.

The book I’m working on is End of Joon, the sequel to End of Mae and I’m excited to have finally gotten to bring the title character, Joon, to life.  Here’s an excerpt from what I did tonight.  I am pleased to introduce the freshly birthed and as yet unedited Joon:

From End of Joon:

Behind him the strange creature cycled thru faces and bodies.  Its hair shimmered with
different hues.  The height grew and shrank, body thickening and thinning as Alichino searched for a shape to entice a friendship.  Finally a teenage girl stood in the shadows, smiling smugly.  Her hair was black and cropped into a curly bob.   She wore thick black eyeliner and lipstick with her nails painted to match.

A sterling silver ring glinted from one nostril.  She was dressed like teenagers she’d seen – grey and black shirt with striped sleeves.  Across the front was scrawled the word iBite.  As an afterthought she added a pair of scuffed Doc Martins.  “Hey!” she said winking to no one. “I’m Joon, Heylel’s neice.” She giggled.

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