J.G. Faherty on Journal Jabber TONIGHT!

faherty 1Listen up!  It’s that month, the wonderful month of October when all horror aficionados feel the hair on the back of their necks began to prick like tiny ants marching up and down their tingling spines.

Amy Eye has ousted me as the Hostess with the Mostess and is conducting this interview of the delightfully creepy J.G. Faherty herself.

The author of such rare morsels such as Carnival of FearThe Ghosts of Coronado Bay and Cemetery Club, he will divulge all his darkest and most terrifying secrets for your listening ears.

Turn down the lights and don’t look behind you.  The show is about to begin.

Tonight’s show is sponsored by The Eyes for Editing, check out the formatting specials for the month of October!

To see what’s coming up, check the schedule.

Dandilyon Fluff contributor Angela Yuriko Smith

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