📬 From S&T’s Mail: Sleepwalker by Mikel J. Wisler

Look what came to Space and Time magazine’s mailbox—Sleepwalker by Mikel J. Wisler. S&T now welcomes readers to send in books and related items to be shared on S&T’s social media and (if we have time) review. Details at the end.

To be honest, I wasn’t sure if I was going to enjoy Sleepwalker when it showed up in S&T‘s mailbox, but that mindset changed from a few pages in.  Thrillers are not my go-to genre generally, but Wisler managed to catch my attention and hold it through the entire book.

I do enjoy some violence, chaos and destruction in my light reading and the back cover sounded a bit tame for me. About a science teaching nun in Brazil who gets caught up in a convoluted intrigue of false identity and political conspiracy, I expected to read a few pages in and lose interest. The opposite was true. It probably helps a lot that the first word of the prologue is blood.

The plot was well-developed with plenty of action to keep me engaged. I liked how Wisler portrays the not-too-distant future. He gives just enough innovation to bring the reader to another time without bogging us down with technology. I liked the romance triangle he develops.

The story went beyond being simple entertainment for me by bringing up some ethical questions by introducing some different scientific and spiritual concepts. Throw in some philosophy and politics, and there is fuel for some existential blues.

Because S&T was sent an uncorrected ARC, I wasn’t paying attention to any typos and errors, but there were few. I do want to compliment the interior formatting. I loved the chapter heading art and the vertical title/author on every page. It was different without being a distraction. I’d recommend Sleepwalker to readers who enjoy some gritty science and tech in their thrillers. Thanks to Mikel J. Wisler for sending Sleepwalkers. I liked it.

Mikel J. Wisler is a writer and award-winning filmmaker behind several short films, including “Stop,” “Parallel,” and “Playing with Ice.” He co-founded of Stories by the River, a non-profit film production company focused on creating stories that examine the human condition.

Where to go from here:

Want to get on Space and Time magazine’s social media?

Send books and other items to the address below. I’ll be glad to share on S&T’s Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. If I have time, I’ll review and post on this blog to be shared on my social media in addition to Space and Time‘s. Reviews are not guaranteed.

All mail can be received at:

Space and Time Magazine
P.O. Box 214
Independence, MO

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