Thanks for all the positive feedback on my new calendar mailout! I hoped a few readers would find it useful, but in one month I went from 438 subscribers on March 16 to 2,542 in ONE month! Someone math that for me, please! The open rate has hovered around 50% since the first send. That means not only are you subscribing, but you are using the info I’ve shared. This makes me so happy.
This week, between the paid and free version of the mailout, I shared approximately:
- 111 open submissions
- 18 ongoing submissions
- 25 events for authors
- 11 reprint markets
Want to see what I’m talking about? I never share your email with anyone and sign up is free.
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This week I searched through my Authortunities mailout to pull 10 ongoing submission calls. You don’t have to worry about missing a deadline on these, and they all pay.
🟢 Open now: The SFWA Blog is open to pitches for original nonfiction articles on topics that might be of interest to new and/or established creators of science fiction and fantasy. SFWA welcomes pitches from both members and nonmembers; Black, Indigenous, and other writers of color, as well as writers of other under-represented identities, are encouraged to submit article pitches. Ideal article length is between 800–1000 words. Pay is $0.10/word on final draft word count. Details:
🟢 Open now: Goatshed Press seeks short stories, flash fiction, poetry and creative nonfiction with payment of £60 for stories and essays (over 1000 words) and £25 for poems and flash fiction. They are also looking to publish longer form work in 2023, including novels, novellas, graphic novels, non fiction books and short story collections. Ongoing submissions. Details:
🟢 Open now: Radon seeks short stories and poetry containing elements of anarchism, transhumanism, dystopia, and/or science fiction. Payment: 1 cent per word for original work, half a cent per word for reprints. Details:
🟢 Open now: The Hungur Chronicles seeks horror about vampires or creatures with vampiric themes. Payment for original stories is $25.00; for reprints, $12.00. Payment for poems is $5. The pay for illustrations is $8.00. The payment for articles is $10. The pay for cover art is $25.00. Details:
🟢 Open now: The Were-Traveler: Curst & Twysted Tarot seeks short fiction. Choose an image you would like to write a story about. Payment: $10 for flash, $15 for short stories. Open until filled. Details:
🟢 Open now: Fantasy Magazine is open until filled for BIPOC authors with fantasy short stories, flash fiction, poetry. Payment: 8 cents per word; $40 per poem. Details:
🟢 Open now: Backyard Earth is a “round the world” series of five books, one for each continent (more or less). Each book will contain one story for every country on that continent. Submissions will stay open until the Table of Contents is filled. Short fiction only. Payment is $25.
🟢 Open now: Psychopomp has ongoing submissions for nonfiction essays on art, short fiction, novels, movies, music, fashion, culture, entertainment, science, and more, that fall under the umbrella of goth, death, funerary, grief, loss, alternative, otherworldly themes. Payment is $50.
🟢 Open now: The International Human Rights Art Festival’s submission window for IHRAF Publishes 2023 remains open. Please submit your poem, short story, or essay (2500 words or less) to along with a 2-5 sentence biography. Translations are also welcome. IHRAF Publishes will pay $50 per accepted piece. Ongoing. Details:
🟢 Open now: Assemble Artifacts is currently open until filled for stories of wonder and suspense. They prefer stories of at least 5,000 words, but are open to longer and shorter works. Please include a one to three sentence pitch of your story, and an author bio with your submission. Open to writers of all levels of experience. Payment: 8-10 cents per word for short fiction.