Can you guess next week’s authortunity angel? Guess as many times as you like in the comments below. First person to guess correctly gets a paid year subscription to Authortunities, a $50 USD value. You can check out all the calendar newsletters here. The answer will be in next Wednesday’s Authortunities on June 21 and announced during my brand new show, Authortunities Forecast. Good luck!
Congratulations to last week’s winners John R. and Laura Duerrwaechter! They both got it right. This week I’m going to be trickier…
Here are your clues:
- This author’s mother was a noted researcher and the author.
- After attending the University of Wisconsin for two years, this author left to aid the war effort as a farmhand in Harper’s Ferry, Virginia during World War I.
- This author’s early work is set in the late 17th century, and the heroine has a love affair with a “devil” and dies an accused witch in a Salem prison.
- In 1943, this author reached the height of her fame with the publication of a book for children which captured that year’s Pulitzer Prize for History.
- Her last published work was adapted as a musical in 1969.
Can you guess who this author might be?
Prize is transferrable but can not be exchanged for cash value.
Esther Forbes of Johnny Tremain fame!
Hahahaha! Good guess!!
My guess is Sylvia Plath.
Another good guess! The answer will be revealed next week
On second thought, I think because of the witchcraft, the angel pictured is Abigail Adams.
Last time (I really should read the comments more closely and pay attention to the birthdate and the “132 years” clue), the Angel pictured above is Esther Forbes. This is really fun. #Goodluckandhappywinning everyone!
I’ve loved reading all your guesses and have gone on a hunt of my own looking some of these names up. Thank you for playing! I’m having so much fun with this.
Amy K Drees, you were the first to get it right! Congratulations! Subscription sent!
Thank you so much! Now I know why my mom made me read all those terribly old books 🙂
Hahahahahahaha! I think the most fun for me is seeing all the guesses. I wind up looking all the wrong ones up.
And congratulations! I just sent your subscription. You guessed right!