This week viewers have a chance to snatch up The Fervor by Alma Katsu for just $1.99! Alma talks about what this book meant to her, and why it matters to us all as an important part of Asian-American history we can’t forget. If we forget, we may be doomed to repeat it. This episode ends with a message from SFPA President and HWA Showcase X Judge Colleen Anderson to everyone who submitted this year.
Find THE FERVOR for $1.99 from July 12-19
Penguin Random House: Amazon/Kindle
Barnes & Noble
Google Play
Apple Books
🎃 Don’t forget, HWA’s HALLOWEEN IN JULY fundraiser!
Season 03, Episode 37 of the show that was originally known as Exercise Your Writes at @Angela_Yuriko_Smith’s channel. Watch for her column in the HWA monthly newsletter to find out who will be coming up, and how you can be a guest as well.