Surprised by Successes

I try a lot of things. I also abandon a lot of things when I figure out how they work–or more accurately, don’t work. I was pretty pleased to realize recently that two of my projects have not only worked, but are celebrating significant milestones this week.

First, Authortunities is now on the 20th mailout. I started sharing my personal calendar to a list of around 500 emails I’ve collected over a decade. In just a few months it’s exploded to 2,380 subscribers and is being read in 50 US states and 35 countries. I love all the enthusiastic response and this has been the summer, the slow time I’m told. I look forward to seeing it busy!

You can read the entire Authortunities #20 (and download Space and Time magazine #98 Spring 2004 for free) here.

The second success that has surprised me is the talk show. I started out at the beginning of 2023 with a goal: do a weekly talk show for a minimum of 52 episodes. Tomorrow I post episode 40 in season 3. Back in January I worried I wouldn’t be able to find guests. Today my worry is having too many guests.

The show moved to the Horror Writer Association’s YouTube back in June and guests have included Alma Katsu, Kyle Toucher, Maxwell I. Gold, Linda D. Addison, Lee Murray… Did I see this coming back in January when I had this kooky idea? Nope. Originally called Exercise Your Writes, the show changed to Exorcize Your Writes with the move. More information on all shows here.

Been a busy week… grandchild #7 was born, daughter #1 celebrated 35 years, Authortunities #20 published, Exorcise Your Writes #40 and Space and Time magazine #144.

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