Raising funds with 11 Acclaimed Authors to Stop Violence Against Women
“Funds raised will go towards developing and/or expanding our campaigns, programmes, and projects to end violence against women.”
“Funds raised will go towards developing and/or expanding our campaigns, programmes, and projects to end violence against women.”
Beetlejuice may be the ghost with the most, but Delia can sure throw a party. It ain’t a shindig until the shrimp cocktail is served.
A brief sampling of my piece on the dual nature of madness and creativity originally written for HorrorAddicts.net and now reprinted in the HORROR ADDICTS GUIDE TO LIFE 2.
“Each year they welcome up to six nominations (print or online) from little magazine and small book press editors throughout the world… one of the last surviving literary co-ops from the 60’s and 70’s.”
“Truly a work of art, congratulations to the Hex publishing team for an extraordinary job. Reviews are starting to come in, and the praise is glowing.”
“There are 14 books listed in all. Every book supports a different charity and all were published by small and indie press. Good reading for a good cause… what’s not to love?”
Thank you to Stephanie M. Wytovich for putting together this incredible collection and Sara Tantlinger for judging with me. Now Available in Print and on Kindle!
One of the interesting articles I read this week was “14 Reasons Agenting Is Harder Now Than 20 Years Ago” by Kristin Nelson, founder of the Nelson Literary Agency.
“I grew up reading classics but most of these I’ve never read. Over the next year I’m going to try to work through this list, starting with Sir Arthur Conan Doyle…”
“It’s also Jack Ketchum’s birthday but that makes me sad. Jack/Dallas passed away in 2018.”